Your certified credit counselor never sugarcoats a thing. That includes assessments of how long it will take to address extreme debt. Successfully completing your debt help plan should take 3-5 years — but you'll start seeing real benefits in 3 months or less.
Debt-free in 5 years, you'll still have lots of time left to enjoy life and still lots of time to get into more trouble! So, don't try to reacquire cancelled credit cards. The interest will be sky high, and it's even harder to conquer debt a second time.
As a family owned company, family values inform how we do business each day. Call us and we'll be there to help when you need us the most.
You can achieve financial freedom. Call for help on how to become debt-free for good.
When you enroll, you will get a special phone number that you can give to your creditors if they call you. Simply tell them to call that number (instead of calling you) since you are now enrolled in a debt counseling program!
1. CALL IN FOR FREE CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING RIGHT OVER THE PHONE. Find out your new low interest rates and how much interest you will save , find out how low your one monthly payment will be, find out your debt free date, and more! Your counselor and you create an affordable personal budget and action plan for success, all for FREE.
2. RECEIVE AN EMAIL (OR REGULAR U.S. MAIL), WHILE YOU ARE STILL ON THE PHONE. See your total savings and benefits, the complete list of creditors you are enrolling, along with your voluntary month to month Debt Management Plan agreement.
3. RETURN YOUR SIGNED PAPERS TO COMPLETE YOUR ENROLLMENT! Your counselor will help you complete the enrollment while you are still on the phone using DOCU-SIGN, where you electronically sign and then email back your papers (or send them back regular U.S. mail). Then, it’s official… you are now in the Debt Consolidation Program, and will be out of debt in a few years, instead of a few decades!
The whole process can be done in less than one hour, start to finish… SO CALL AND ENROLL TODAY!